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Nuit Blanche A blog about Compressive Sensing, Computational Imaging, Machine Learning. Using priors to avoid the curse of dimensionality arising in Big Data. ... Fast transforms. The baseline de nition of transforms on graphs does not a priori lead to a fast im-pleme
“Lowest Difficulty Setting” Follow-Up | Whatever wealth and class are not an inherent part of one’s personal nature — and in the US particularly, part of our cultural sorting behavior — in the manner that race, gender and sexuality are This is about the only bit where I think you might be on shaky groun
PETA's Blog page 1 | PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): The animal PETA's blog is your source for up-to-the-minute information about PETA's campaigns; breaking news about victories, new initiatives to help animals, and animal rights information from across the globe; and, occasionally, a bit of inspired silliness. 'Cuz s